Thursday, 18 November 2010

Captain's Log: Stardate:28 357 234 days of wondering

Hello there all you fellow loners!
Not that THIS is out of limits for relationship-ers. It's just that you,lucky brats, don't have to go through the emotional turbulences of the singleton's life (although I'm pretty sure you have your own set of electrical storms). But I'm not talking about emotional status, not this time, at least.
There is a frank question I need to handle not so swiftly, yet bluntly:
-Is there a "DO NOT TOUCH" sign on my forehead? Am I supposed to be a helpless, innocent, sweet, pink-cheeks, pink-wearing of a femme fatale to get ANYONE'S attention? What am I to do, not to scare men away? And why the hell to men get intimidated by women who are as powerful and determined as they are?
So many, too many questions and more on the way, forming inside my angered, anything but rational brain.
The last thing I am trying to say is I need a man- if I did,I would have found one. No, I need answers, based on statistical data, gathered from men's brains from all over the globe...
Okay, enough with the impossible and into the realm of the improbable: I bought a new book yesterday (yummy); I tried something never before in my life did I think I would try; I rearranged my desk and my closet... You'd think after those relevantly nice things something might change for me. WRONG! I'm still stuck on my super ultra cool, going invisible, space ship. And that's the whole absurdness of the situation- How can anyone feel stuck on a ship like that?!

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