Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Narnia, Middle Earth and Wonderland

The white patch of something grey-looking was standing ahead of us. Even after so many years of coming up to this points, I still find it hard to believe that is snow. In the mountain of Pirin, in the middle of sunny July, in my home country of Bulgaria winter always seems so far away, like it is never coming back again.
I used to think hiking was to become a hugely important part of my life. But that doesn't come often to mind these days. Yet, that image of the muddy snow, stuck in a place where sun isn't strong enough to melt it, is an often guest to my day dreaming mind. The feeling of that stone cold consistence warms me up in my coldest of days, pumping up magic and wonder up my veins. And in those moments I once again feel that reverence for the snowy patches of another, better reality.
Yesterday, just near midnight, I walked the quiet street of my home town. And I swear to you, I could hear the silence, making its way up the cobbled streets and washing over me. Then came the scent of the rain, that was going to cover everything in the morning. That wondrous aroma of hope... Where was I all these years? Is this the place I grew up in? Why haven't I seen all the beauty sooner? Are the green hill sides other patches of that other reality? Is my balcony a viewing room to a better world?
I have a lesson for you today, you wonderful people! Don't let your future get in the way of your present. See all the beauty surrounding you, even when you think there is no beauty at all. Even if your road ahead is a cobbled street, those have a charm of their own...

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