Sunday, 19 December 2010

Birthdays and wonders

I'm not that much into Christmas! Happy birthday Jesus! And that's that. Why should I be celebrating the birthday of a guy who if so long dead that he doesn't even facilitate his own party. Okay, I don't want to sound all grumpy and no fun. I love giving gifts and accepting them for that matter. And I've always loved how this time brings our hole family together. But the thing I love and hate the most- it's probably the only time people think of magic as of something pretty.
Because magic and the wonderous world of everything that is extraordinary is just next door...
I have always loved reading books, always preferring those that have low tolerance for reality. And you know that feeling when you finish a good book and you feel so sad because the gateway to that other world has closed...Enough with the sobbing, I'm not into disclosing personal states of emotional instability today. I just want to- contrary to the all penetrating spirit of Christmas-mock at all those pitiful sad people who don't believe in miracles. I am not talking about magical spells or out of this world creatures. Let me ask you a question and promise me you'll answer... Have you looked through your window lately? There's the sunlight, the clouds and the cool air late at night and early in the morning. And there we are- humans- breathing, thinking, feeling, with skin and bones and opposable fingers. Don't you ever wonder how we got here, what we were and how we can think and want to change.
I love the warm touch that fire radiates. I love hearing my voice when I read British poetry, I love the way I feel like flying every time I hear a beautiful song. And I know you love many thing as well. But most of all I love how I can live through every day. So next time when you go out and see a decorated tree, hear a Christmas jingle or hear "Marry Christmas" don't get excited about the holidays. Get excited because you can do anything you want to!

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