My hair was shinning at the site of the suns gentle touch. It was a calm winters day, not far from the ending of another year. These were the last times I would be able to marvel at my mountains because I chose so.
Throughout my hole life I believed in life I would get what I need but I never left myself any guidance in relevance to personal choices. What I had to learn the hard way is that life goes on. It won't stop because you chose wrong, or because you missed the train. And it most certainly doesn't stop when you want things to just stop changing.
I always get that bitterness on the top of my tongue when I feel that everything surrounding me slips out of my firm grasp of control and heads to its own path. That is why I began changing things before they change their own. I cut my hair, colour my hair, let down people before they let me down...
Then she came into my life. Or maybe she was there since the beginning . At first I didn't know if she was the right one to trust. But I needed that kind of a person, of a friend, so badly I felt I did not have another choice. She has a name so close to mine and I think that helped me feel towards her the tenderness you could bestow only a sibling with. And then came the love, so natural and nurturing...The love one would feel for a comrade in the battle for truth. As love tends to grow, so did mine. And it develops, always assuring me it will not dissolve. But that love never assured me it won't change, neither did she.
The friendship between women, as I learned is hard work. And opposed to some beliefs it is much harder than the one with men. It could be pure and free of doubts, could...
We both grew, changed, feared, fear, love and dream. And that makes me not want to let her down.Should I be afraid?
P.S. To my dearest friend!
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